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服务器重装win2003后安装VisualSVN Server的错误解决“VisualSVN Fail to start”

问题:安装VisualSVN Server总是不成功,提示服务启动失败,这个问题我以前也遇到过,不过一时想不起如何解决,后来才想起了解决的办法!

解决:在安装到一半时,提示 “VisualSVN Fail to start” 的时候,不要关闭安装程序(否则就会Rollback了),这时候开启系统服务,然后选择 VisualSVN 服务,手工启动此服务,如果启动不了,就将其启动用户设置为本地的就可以了,这时候再返回安装界面,点击重试,这时就可以顺利安装了!

VisualSVN Server installation or upgrade can fail with the error:

Error: service VisualSVN Server failed to start.
Please check VisualSVN Server log in Event Viewer for more details.

If you encounter such issue, I suggest to do the following:

  • Verify whether port you specified for VisualSVN Server is available, not in use or blocked. As @Shant specified, Skype can use port 443 so VisualSVN Server install may fail if Skype is running. In order to determine, whether any application is already binded to VisualSVN Server's port you can run the following command in elevated command promptnetstat -anbv.

  • If you do an upgrade and get the service start error, make sure that VisualSVN Server's service account has all required permissions. By default, VisualSVN Server's installer adjust all required permissions automatically. However, if it was installed to a non-default location / repositories are stored on a network share, you may need to configure NTFS / share permissions manually. See "Permissions required to run VisualSVN Server" for further details.

  • If you still can't solve the service start error, I suggest to install / upgrade VisualSVN Server with using the following command line (change MSI filename accordingly):

    msiexec /i VisualSVN-Server-2.7.2.msi NO_START_SERVICES=1

    This will allow VisualSVN Server to install without starting it's service. Right after installation completes succesfully, you can attempt to start the service. When it fails, go to VisualSVN Server Event Log to check what errors are logged there. These errors will provide you with helpful clues on the root cause.

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