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.NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC

  DRIVER=SQLite3 ODBC Driver; Database=mydb.db; LongNames=0; Timeout=1000; NoTXN=0; SyncPragma=NORMAL; StepAPI=0;

  This is just one connection string sample for the wrapping OdbcConnection class that calls the underlying ODBC Driver. See respective ODBC driver for more connection strings to use with this class.

  SQLite3 ODBC Driver

  DRIVER=SQLite3 ODBC Driver; Database=mydb.db; LongNames=0; Timeout=1000; NoTXN=0; SyncPragma=NORMAL; StepAPI=0;

  SQLite.NET Basic(基本的)

  Data Source=filename;Version=3;

  Using UTF16(使用UTF16编码)

  Data Source=filename;Version=3;UseUTF16Encoding=True;

  With password(带密码的)

  Data Source=filename;Version=3;Password=myPassword;

  Using the pre 3.3x database format(使用3.3x前数据库格式)

  Data Source=filename;Version=3;Legacy Format=True;

  Read only connection(只读连接)

  Data Source=filename;Version=3;Read Only=True;

  With connection pooling(设置连接池)

  Data Source=filename;Version=3;Pooling=False;Max Pool Size=100;

  Using DateTime.Ticks as datetime format()

  Data Source=filename;Version=3;DateTimeFormat=Ticks;

  The default value is ISO8601 which activates the use of the ISO8601 datetime format

  Store GUID as text(把Guid作为文本存储,默认是Binary)

  Data Source=filename;Version=3;BinaryGUID=False;


  Specify cache size(指定Cache大小)

   Data Source=filename;Version=3;Cache Size=2000;

  Cache Size 单位是字节

  Specify page size(指定页大小)

  Data Source=filename;Version=3;Page Size=1024;

  Page Size 单位是字节

  Disable enlistment in distributed transactions

  Data Source=filename;Version=3;Enlist=N;

  Disable create database behaviour(禁用创建数据库行为)

   Data Source=filename;Version=3;FailIfMissing=True;


  Limit the size of database(限制数据库大小)

  Data Source=filename;Version=3;Max Page Count=5000;

  The Max Page Count is measured in pages. This parameter limits the maximum number of pages of the database.

  Disable the Journal File (禁用日志回滚)

  Data Source=filename;Version=3;Journal Mode=Off;

  This one disables the rollback journal entirely.

  Persist the Journal File(持久)

  Data Source=filename;Version=3;Journal Mode=Persist;

  This one blanks and leaves the journal file on disk after a commit. Default behaviour is to delete the Journal File after each commit.

  Controling file flushing

  Data Source=filename;Version=3;Synchronous=Full;

  Full specifies a full flush to take action after each write. Normal is the default value. Off means that the underlying OS flushes I/O's.

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