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Suppose for example you wanted to give the activity a String and have it return a Integer:

public interface MyStringListener{
    public Integer computeSomething(String myString);

This can be defined in the fragment or a separate file.

Then you would have your activity implement the interface.

public class MyActivity extends FragmentActivity implements MyStringListener{

  public Integer computeSomething(String myString){
   /** Do something with the string and return your Integer instead of 0 **/ 
   return 0;


Then in your fragment you would have a MyStringListener variable and you would set the listener in fragment onAttach(Activity activity) method.

public class MyFragment {

        private MyStringListener listener;

        public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
            try {
                listener = (MyStringListener) activity;
            } catch (ClassCastException castException) {
                /** The activity does not implement the listener. */

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